LIC Products
Whole Life Policy, Endowment Policy, Term Policy, Money Back Policy, Joint Life Policy, Children's Policy, Pensions Plans or Annuities, Women's Policy, Special Plans, Group Insurance Policy are some of the policies from the LIC of India
This plan from LIC India is a combination of the Whole Life Plan and the most popular Endowment Assurance Plan. The Jeevan Anand plan provides the pre-decided Sum Assured and Bonuses at the end of the stipulated premium paying term, but the risk cover on the life continues till death More about jeevan anand...
The Komal Jeevan plan is specially made for the children between age of 0 to 10 years. This paln guarantees a return @ 7.5 % p.a on Sum Assured. Premium payments are limited upto the 18 years of the child. Special Benefits can be added to the policy to ensure FINANCIAL SECURITY of your child even in your absence More about Komal Jeevan...
This policy is beneficial for partner having less then a year old child (not an adopted child). It makes provision for higher education / marriage of the child. In case of death of the policyholder at any time during the term of the policy one additional S.A. will be payable in addition to the above fixed benefits. This plan is not allowed when occupational extra is chargeable and to pregnant ladies. Joint declaration by the husband and wife is must, if child is less then one year old More about jeevan Chhaya...
INTRODUCTION: LIC’s JEEVAN NIDHI is a with profits Deferred Annuity (Pension) plan. On survival of the policyholder beyond term of the policy the accumulated amount (i.e. Sum Assured + Guaranteed Additions + Bonuses) is used to generate a pension (annuity) for the policyholder. The plan also provides a risk cover during the deferment period. The USP of the plan being the pension can More About Jeevan Nidhi...
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