Check Policy Status
LIC (Life Insurance Corporation) is the largest insurance company in the India. You can check LIC policy status online after the registration at You can get information about how to check your policy/premium status online by registering, which is mentioned below. is the official site of the Life insurance of India. In this site you can get full information about insurance plans provided by Life insurance of India.
LIC (Life Insurance Corporation of India)
LIC is one of the largest life insurance companies in India, which is fully owned by the Government of India. Life insurance is an agreement for of a sum to the person who has taken a policy on the happening of the event insured against. LIC provides different types of policies such as Group policies, Pension policies, Women Policies, Children Policies, Joint Policies, and or without profit (In with profit policies, premium rate is higher). LIC is headquartered in Mumbai. Currently LIC has 8 zonal Offices and 101 divisional offices which are located in different parts of India. If You want to buy LIC insurance, then first check few points like a Risk cover, events/disease against which life is insured, Premium amount, How many years premium is payable etc.
LIC plans:
- Insurance Plans
- Pension plans
- Unit plans
- Special plans
- Group scheme
- Withdrawn plans
Benefits of life insurance
- Risk Cover
- Tax benefit
- Loans
- Planning for your future requirements
How to check Your Policy Status from
If you want to check your policy status, then first you will register in All new users are required to finish the Registration Form online selecting user name and password of their choice.
For the registration you keep in mind below points.
- The username can be alpha, numeric, with characters dot and underscore.
- The password must be in between 8 to 30 characters.
- The information marked with (*) are mandatory fields and cannot be left blank.
- The e-mail id entered should be a valid one for further correspondence.
- The pin-code cannot be more than 6-digits.
- Password should be unique and be kept confidential.
- The user-id chosen should be unique.
After the successfully registration, you can access to information about status of policy/s, loan, revival, premium due/ policy calendar, maturity calendar etc.
You can also check your policy status by phone, as LIC has also help line number ‘1251‘. You can call on this number and know about everything like a Policy status, premium due date, Loan possibility and loan amount possible, time of maturity etc.
To get full information about policy status.
To get all LIC help line number.
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