AAO Exam-CT 2: English (Fillers - Vocabulary)

AAO Exam-CT 2- English (Fillers - Vocabulary)

AAO Exam-CT 2: English (Fillers - Vocabulary)

1. The following question contains a sentence with one blank only. Below are given six words as answer choices. You have to choose an option with choices which can make the sentence complete.

The message from the General was _______ by the poor orderly, who had the bad luck to be working that day.

A. Communed

B. Converted

C. Convened

D. Conveyed

E. Parleyed

F. Reaped

  • D and E
  • B and D
  • A and B
  • E and F
  • C and F

The sentence suggests that the blank should contain a verb, as it is used with the past tense indicating verb 'was'.

The context also suggests that the meaning should be 'communicated', as it refers to a message.

Let's look at the meanings of the words:

A. Communed- share one's intimate thoughts with someone, especially when the exchange is on a spiritual level. (Note that the verb cannot fit in contextually.)

B. Converted- change the form, character, or function of something.

C. Convened- come or bring together for a meeting or activity; assemble.

D. Conveyed- communicate (a message or information).

E. Parleyed- to speak, talk or confer.

F. Reaped- receive (a reward or benefit) as a consequence of one's own or other people's actions.

The only words that can make the sentence meaningful are Conveyed and Parleyed, viz, D and E.

Therefore, the correct answer is option 1.

2. The following question contains a sentence with one blank only. Below are given six words as answer choices. You have to choose an option with choices which can make the sentence complete.

The lady had continued to _______ me with her ever-growing set of skills, especially in the courtroom.

A. Enhance

B. Envisage

C. Engender

D. Confound

E. Recoil

F. Astonish

  • A and E
  • B and D
  • A and B
  • C and D
  • D and F

The sentence suggests that the blank should contain a verb in its simple present tense form as it used with the preposition 'to', indicating an infinitive. 

The context also suggests that the meaning should be 'surprise' with the ever-growing skill set.

Let's look at the meanings of the words:

A. Enhance- intensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or extent of.

B. Envisage- form a mental picture of (something not yet existing or known).

C. Engender- cause or give rise to (a feeling, situation, or condition).

D. Confound- cause surprise or confusion in (someone), especially by acting against their expectations.

E. Recoil- rebound or spring back through force of impact or elasticity.

F. Astonish- surprise or impress (someone) greatly.

The only words that can make the sentence meaningful are Confound and Astonish, viz, D and F.

Therefore, the correct answer is option 5.

3. The given question has one blank indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the word from the given options that could fit in the blank correctly.

The editors do not wish to publish papers that describe news that are ____ of local or regional interest.

  • primitively
  • radically
  • racially
  • primarily
  • robustly

4. Fill in the blanks.

The Captain is increasingly losing his popularity among the team mates because of his obdurate and ________ style of working.

  • Astute
  • Backlog
  • Dogmatic
  • Cognizant
  • None of these

Astute is an adjective indicating the ability to accurately access the available resources and take advantages out of it; synonymous to judicious or smart.

A backlog is a noun meaning accumulation or build-up. It relates to pending issues.

Cognizant which is also an adjective indicates the quality of having knowledge or awareness.

Obdurate is an adjective which means (someone) stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion or course of action.

Dogmatic is an adjective meaning (someone) inclined to lay down principles as undeniably true.

Correct sentence: The Captain is increasingly losing his popularity among the teammates because of his obdurate and dogmatic style of working.

Option 3 is the right answer

5. Directions: The sentence given below has 2 blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the combination of words that would fit the blanks appropriately.

Leaders of the “Quad” bloc will hold their first-ever meeting, as the four ________ of the US, Japan, India and Australia seek to ________ China’s rising influence.

  • republicans, sanitizing
  • monarchy, politicize
  • democracies, counter
  • dictatorships, crowned
  • oligarchy, communicate

6. The following question consists of a sentence with two blanks. You are given four options, each containing two words. Choose the option containing words which fill the respective blanks correctly, making the sentence meaningfully complete.

The exiled people arrived in thousands on the shores of Christmas island, seeking _________ from the political _________ in Syria.

  • Regenerate, people 
  • Refuge, unrest
  • Aspect, unjust
  • Civil, population
  • Mandatory, violation

The context of the sentence suggests that the first blank should contain a noun that means 'safety', which is only shown by 'Refuge'.

Similarly, the second blank should contain a noun that means 'uneasy situation', which is shown by 'unrest'. 

The only option that can make a meaningful sentence is Refuge, unrest.

Therefore, the correct answer is option 2.

7. Given below is a sentence that has three blanks. Identify the correct order of words which can be used to fill in the given blanks.

Market _____________ after a weak start with ____________ covering in the banking stocks after recent correction and a _______________ global market.

A. Rebounded

B. Boomeranged 

C. Trivial

D. Short

E. Optimistic

F. Positive

  • A, D and E
  • A,, B and E
  • A, D and F
  • B, D and C
  • C, D and E

The correct answer is 3.

When the blanks are filled with the words in the order given by option 3, the sentence is 'Market rebounded after a weak start with short covering in the banking stocks after recent correction and a positive global market', which is both grammatically and contextually correct.

'Rebounded' means 'recover in value, amount, or strength after a decrease or decline'.

'Short' means 'lasting or taking a small amount of time'.

'Positive' means 'a desirable or constructive quality or attribute'.

The idea expressed in the given sentence is that the markets have recovered in value with the help of the short bank covering and a positive global market.

All the other options make the sentence grammatically or contextually incorrect.

Meaning of other words;

'Boomeranged' means '(of a plan or action) recoil on the originator.

'Trivial' means 'of little value or importance'.

'Optimistic' means 'hopeful and confident about the future'.

8. Given below is a sentence that has three blanks. Identify the correct order of words which can be used to fill in the given blanks.

The agreement was ______________ just before a midnight deadline ______________ by the U.S. to include Canada in a deal _______________ with Mexico late in the summer.

A. Cited

B. Forged

C. Imposed

D. Implied

E. Arriving

F. Reached

  • A, B and C
  • B, C and F
  • A, B and D
  • B, C and D
  • A, E and F

The correct answer is 2.

When the blanks are filled with the words in the order given by option 2, the sentence is 'The agreement was forged just before a midnight deadline imposed by the U.S. to include Canada in a deal reached with Mexico late in the summer', which is both grammatically and contextually correct.

'Forged' means 'copied fraudulently; fake'.

'Imposed' means 'force (an unwelcome decision or ruling) on someone'.

'Reached' means 'arrive at; get as far as'.

The idea expressed in the given sentence is that the agreement that was imitated by the U.S just a midnight before to include Canada has reached Mexico late in the summer.

All the other options make the sentence grammatically or contextually incorrect.

Meaning of the other words;

'Cited' means 'refer to (a passage, book, or author) as evidence for or justification of an argument or statement, especially in a scholarly work'.

'Implied' means 'suggested but not directly expressed; implicit'.

'Arriving' means 'reach a place at the end of a journey or a stage in a journey'.

9. Find out the most effective word from the given options to fill the blanks of the following questions.

A. The idea of our intelligence operation here is to make those situations safer, not to _______ them with thoughtlessness.
B. At the time he had opposed such a move as likely to ________ matters.
C. Everyone hereabouts knows the situation; we all avoid doing anything to ________ it.

  • unique
  • exacerbate
  • contend
  • cite
  • Unfathomable

10. Find out the most effective word from the given options to fill in the blanks to fill in the following question.

A. For a moment I thought she was going to _______, still surrounded by books and papers.
B. The poems drift from one focus to another; they avoid the histrionic; they sigh more often than they _________.

  • expostulate
  • trepidation
  • vigil
  • beleaguer
  • shrivel