AA0 Exam-CT 11: English (Idioms and Phrases)
AA0 Exam-CT 11-English (Idioms and Phrases)

1. Direction: Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
A stumbling block
An incident
An agreement
An instrument
Not Attempted
2. Direction: Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
To make up one's mind
To have a new hairstyle
To keep one's head straight up
To make up stories
Not Attempted
3. Replace the idiom/phrase with an option correct in meaning.
Happiness is seeing eye to eye with your wife on how to spend money.
Be on cloud nine
Get a second wind
Throw caution to the wind
Not Attempted
4. Replace the underlined idiom/phrase with an option correct in meaning.
My friend Niraj is jack of all trades; it saved us a lot of money when we were on a trip to Paris.
An excellent merchant
A stingy person
A qualified mechanic
Not Attempted
5. Replace the underlined idiom/phrase with an option correct in meaning.
When the whole house was in uproar, dad stepped in and poured oil on troubled waters.
Argued with others
Provoked others
Made the situation worse
Not Attempted
6. Select the most appropriate meaning of the underlined idiom in the given sentence.
He is very impulsive and does things without rhyme or reason.
without any resources
without anyone’s help
without proper planning
None of the above
7. Directions: Select the most appropriate meaning of the underlined idiom in the given sentence.
If unmindful, the potential for trouble in the CAA, AFSPA, or other counter-cultures the region is known for, can flare up again regardless of the party in power.
A natural ability to do something well.
The quality of being interesting or having style.
To move towards a higher place or position.
In a cheerful mood.
8. In the following question, one phrase has been printed in bold. Below the sentence, three meanings are given. Select the correct meaning of the phrase from the options given below.
I was almost ready to go out but losing one of my shoes really threw a spanner in the works.
A. Made someone anxious
B. Complicated a plan or even prevented it from succeeding
C. Made someone furious
Only A
All A, B and C
Only C
Both A and B
9. In the following question, one phrase has been printed in bold. Below the sentence, three meanings are given. Select the correct meaning of the phrase from the options given below.
A. Don't increase your expenditure
B. Don't try to boast about your resources
C. Don't put in unnecessary effort to get little in return.
Only A
Only B
Both A and C
None of the above
10. In the following question, one phrase has been printed in bold. Below the sentence, three meanings are given. Select the correct meaning of the phrase from the options given below.
Getting your first job is a catch-22 because companies want to hire someone with experience
A. An extremely relieving scenario
B. A situation with conflicting rules and logic
C. A paradoxical scenario
Only A
Only C
All A, B and C
Both A and B